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1 | Tasks of the Revolutionary Socialist Movement

Currently in the United States the revolutionary socialist movement stands still, waiting and asking: “Where do we start; what is to be done?” While this or that socialist organization may find their niche and excel in their current way of organizing, they remain fragmented, broken up and scattered across the country; there exists no organized, national body of socialists capable of carrying out the revolution. The question of building a national organization — especially a Party — capable of being the vanguard of the revolutionary socialist movement is paramount. But in the face of our current conditions, we run into many obstacles — from bourgeois ideology to an ineffective ‘division of labor’ within the movement and so on. How do we combat these obstacles and find a way to organize on a national scale? Moreover, not to just organize in the nominal sense but to build a working organization of revolutionaries capable of carrying out concrete actions? All of these questions must be answered by a thorough investigation of the prevailing conditions and the whole history of working class movement. 


2 | Worker-Community Organizations and the Duty of Cadres

In Tasks of the Revolutionary Socialist Movement, we have laid out the fundamental tactic of the worker-community organizations for our cadres in their local work. To summarize the points made there, the worker-community organization is our immediate front in the class struggle; it is there where the first decisive battles will take place. We work in the worker-community organizations for a two-fold purpose: to fight for the welfare of working class people and to inspire the masses to organized struggle against the interests of capital.


This two-fold purpose is intertwined. How could we rouse the masses to action without first understanding their situation? How can we affect without first engaging?


We must make it known that our tactical pedagogy cannot be limited to our students who have already come to fight on the side of the working classes. More importantly, we must address those who have not yet achieved this consciousness. Our cadres must teach the masses of their role in the class struggle during all interactions; this is one of the main objectives of the local cadre at all times.


Download the PDF of the Fundamental Texts of the Marx-Engels Lenin Institute for free. Download, share, print, distribute as you please!


This volume includes the following:

-Basic Principles of the Marx Engels Lenin Institute

-Tasks of the Revolutionary Socialist Movement

 -Worker-Community Organizations and the Duty of Cadres to Teach-Learn 

-The Need for a Tactical Pedagogy-Program of Socialist Pan-Americanism

-Oppose, Combat!

3 | The Need for a Tactical Pedagogy

The Marx Engels Lenin Institute is, first and foremost, an educational institution committed to Marxism-Leninism and its contemporary application. We must make special emphasis on that word educational.


Our current objective lies in educating students in the science of Marxism-Leninism and arming them with the theoretical knowledge to begin operating cadres in their localities in the hopes of forming a future mass party. But we have so far neglected to give the proper attention, at least in writing, to the central question of the nature of the education we propose. We have not looked at the question, namely, of pedagogy.



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