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Toward a Program of Socialist Pan-Americanism

by F.E. Walton and J.F. Pointon


We demand:

1. The acknowledgement and official apology by the US state apparatus of its role in destabilizing American countries and the continued exploitation of American peoples.
2. The immediate withdrawal of all US troops and closing of military bases throughout the Americas.
3. The immediate withdrawal, indictment, and prosecution of all agents of US imperialism including operatives of the CIA and DEA concerning criminal actions such as terrorism, sabotage, and assassinations.
4. The immediate transfer of ownership of US-controlled capital in non-US territories either directly to local workers when possible, or in the case of countries with popular socialist governments, to said governments.
5. The immediate end of economic warfare against the people of Cuba, the release of the remaining political prisoners known as the Cuban Five, and direct, non-imperialist assistance to the building of the Cuban economy, up to and including direct reparations.
6. The immediate granting of self-determination to indigenous nations of all countries, as well as the immediate granting of self-determination of internally colonized nations of the US, up to and including secession.
7. The acknowledgement of the OAS as a capitalist-imperialist apparatus that does not serve the peoples of the Americas and correspondingly, its immediate dissolution.
8. The establishment of a new Pan-American organization in which A) the US does not undertake any leadership role for an extended period of time, B) indigenous nations are represented, C) indigenous and non-English languages are represented, D) no nation or country is expressly excluded, E) representation of the working classes is guaranteed through the direct election of representatives of the people through universal elections without government or capitalist influence.
9. The withdrawal of the US from its permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
10. The protection of all American immigrants in the US through their immediate granting of citizenship and the reform of US immigration laws and procedures with direct involvement from all American nations and countries in the decision-making process.
11. The establishment of strict Pan-American ecological guidelines, the creation of vast environmental protection zones, the undertaking of ecological restoration projects where possible, and the commitment and beginning of transitions to sustainable energy and agricultural practices


We strive for:

1. The establishment of socialist governments in all American countries.
2. Increased cooperation between Marxist organizations throughout the Americas.
3. Increased cooperation of popular, anti-imperialist governments and organizations with Marxist organizations and parties.
4. The establishment of an ecologically sustainable economy throughout the Americas.
5. The destruction of imperialist and capitalist intervention in the democratic affairs of the peoples of America.
6. Increased cooperation between the Americas, Africa, and Asia.


We will:

1. Make our educational programs accessible to indigenous and Spanish-speaking comrades.
2. Establish communication and cooperation with Marxist organizations throughout the Americas.
3. Express support to popular, anti-imperialist governments and oppose US interventionism while maintaining and unequivocally expressing the need for a Marxist revolution throughout the Americas.
4. Take a firm, historical materialist approach to American national struggles of all kinds, including those taking place in the US.
5. Accept, reflect, and act upon criticisms put forth by comrades and comradely organizations throughout the Americas.

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